About Me

Full Stack, Web Developer, Graphic Artist, Video Editor, Social Media Manager Serving The Los Angeles Area

Hi, My name is Jason Chan, I am developer, video editor, music producer and graphic artist. Most of the time I do IT. This blog is a showcase of my work and various useful tutorials.  I’m constantly learning doing a lot of things. I also create youtube tutorials for fun. I wear many many different hats and I’ve work in many different industries from wholesale, retail, eCommerce, banking, restaurant and photography.

Things I can do:

  • Upgrade and fix computers
  • Video editing
  • Upgrade macs below year 2012
  • Build websites with wordpress, phpbb, owncloud
  • Knows linux, freebsd administration
  • SEO
  • Social Media Management
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Edit videos
  • Create screencast tutorials
  • HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, SQL, GIT, BootStrap, Foundation
  • Javascript Frameworks and Libraries: Jquery, Angular, Node.js, and Gulp
  • Speaks Cantonese fluently and mandarin somewhat
  •  https://github.com/jasondeving

